Delphine Bosson-Rieutort, Ph.D
Associate Professor at the university of Montreal’s School of Public Health (ESPUM)
Department of Health Policy, Management & Evaluation (DGEPS)
Researcher at Centre de Recherche en Santé Publique (CReSP)
Researcher at Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organization (CIRANO)
Réseau québécois de recherche en soins palliatifs et de fin de vie (RQSPAL) (Quebec palliative and end-of-life care research network)
Réseau de recherche en santé des populations du Québec - Politiques publiques et santé des populations (RRSPQ)
(Quebec Population Health Research Network - Public Policy and Population Health)
Réseau de connaissances en services et soins de santé intégrés de première ligne (Réseau-1 Québec)
(network on front-line services and integrated healthcare)
Last update: October, 10th 2023

With a Master's degree in Environment-Health and a Ph.D in Models, Methods and Algorithms for Health and Biology, Delphine is specialized in the development of innovative methods and algorithms for the analysis of health databases. Through her research projects, she worked for the optimal use of different types of databases (epidemiological, toxicological, clinical and medico-administrative), in order to highlight statistical signals relevant to the health of workers.
As an assistant professor, her research program aims to contribute to the efficient use of Quebec medico-administrative data, in order to contribute to the understanding of healthcare systems and to develop decision-making tools.